Thursday, March 17, 2011

So long Sugar

We had to say goodbye to one of our puppies today. About a year ago, Aaron talked me into getting 2 puppies, Sugar and Salty, from my brother. And even though they spent a lot of time fighting each other, they loved each other so much. They did EVERYTHING together. If one would take off running, so would the other. If one decided to eat, so would the other. If one jumped up on you, so would the other. They have gotten bad recently about chasing my car as I'm driving down my driveway. Today, Sugar decided he wasn't just going to follow me, he was going to cut across the grass and get in front of me. Well, I didn't see him until he was already in front of me, and I hit him. And he didn't live through it. I really hate it for Salty, because you can tell he doesn't have a clue what to do without his best friend. I just feel horrible about it.

So if you're wondering why you can't find any dog treats at Walmart tonight, now you know why. I have guilt. Even though I think Salty would rather have Sugar back instead of all the dog treats in the world. But that's the best I can do right now.

I took this picture right after we got them last spring.

I took this picture earlier this week of them sleeping. I thought it was so sweet that Sugar had his head resting on Salty.

1 comment:

  1. Aww! I'm so sorry! I hope Aaron is doing ok. Sorry I didn't get the details earlier!
