Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My very first blog post

Earlier this evening I made a comment on facebook that I was thinking of starting a blog, which is something I've considered for years but just never got around to. I guess posting it was the push I needed because here I sit, only 2 hours later, with my own blog set up and ready to go. And somehow I was able to do it without having to wake my husband up to help. Which is really not saying anything about me, but tons about how easy blogspot makes it. My goal with the blog is to have an online scrapbook of things that happen and pictures that go along with it, which I'm afraid will be boring to most, but maybe I'll have some family and friends that will check in every once in a while.

Around the same time I made the facebook post earlier, Robbie asked me to wash a load of socks. OK, who washes just a load of socks? If I'm going to wash some socks, you better believe that there is going to be a lot more than just some socks in that load. So I decided I would just go ahead and do all of the laundry tonight and here it is, almost midnight, and I'm waiting on my dryer to stop so I can get my third load out of the washer and into the dryer.

Wow. Has my first blog post really just turned into a post about socks and laundry? This blog thing may get stopped before it even gets started.

Anyway, in the midst of setting up the blog, doing the laundry, giving Austin medicine to 'make the sneezes go away', and realizing that there was one more sock that did not make the cut on tonight's laundry because I failed to look under Aaron's backpack, I've been thinking about getting out of facebook altogether. I've been on it for about 2 years now, but sometimes I feel like it consumes too much of my time. Since I have it on my phone, I carry it everywhere with me, and I check it often. Too often. I enjoy keeping up with people that I don't get to see regularly, but really, why do I feel the need to know who posted what as soon as it gets posted? Yes, it's that bad. Maybe just deleting it from my phone would do the trick. I would be forced to actually sit down at my computer to check it, which is something that rarely happens. OK, that just came to me while I was typing, but I think maybe that's what I'll do. I'll delete it from my phone. Maybe. Someday.

Thanks for reading my first blog post that didn't get any deeper than socks and facebook. I'll try to do better next time, but no promises.

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