Sunday, March 20, 2011


Alaina is here! Or, at least some of her is here. She doesn't measure as big as she measured on the CT scan, so I'm afraid there may be more to come. But this is probably most of her. The dress I made her was too big because I made it based on how big she FELT, not how big she measured. And she FELT like she was a good 10-pounder. I was sure the doctor was mistaken, but apparently he knew what he was talking about. Austin is proud of his new sister. He said she looks just like a deer track.

And I think he's right. She really does. :)


  1. Yay! I'm glad she's finally here! Hope your feeling ok!

  2. Hope you're pain has eased a bit. I've heard that kidney stones are awful!! I had gall stones this past fall and they all but did me in. I was hospitalized for a week, gall bladder reomoved, etc. Hopefully you're "stone" experience won't be quite as rough. :-)

  3. glad Alaina made it out into the world, this way you don't have to continue a relationship with her all by yourself !! You may have to buy her premie clothes for a while tho.
