Monday, September 19, 2011

Well that was embarrassing

Last week I was listening to a speaker who wanted us to think of our most embarrassing moments. I sat there trying to think of what mine would be. I thought about the time(s) I stepped out of my house straight out of bed, scantily clad, to let my dog out, not realizing there were 15 house workers standing there looking at me. I also thought about the oil changer guy calling me Delicious in front of everyone in the waiting room because he was having trouble reading my name. But after what I did this morning, I could easily top those two.

I was outside this morning having a discussion with my brick layer about post caps (I know, exciting right?). I was walking around these boxes full of stone and not even paying attention to where I was stepping. Well, I stepped on a nail that was sticking out of a board wearing my Yellowbox flip-flops. My flip-flop stuck to the board. My foot did not. So when I went to take a step, my flip-flop tripped me, and I fell. And what makes it even more fun is that it rained here last night for the first time in months, so I didn't just fall in the dirt. I fell in mud. While I was laying on the ground, I reached over to grab my flip-flop and it was REALLY stuck to the board. So not only was I sitting in mud right in front of my brick-layer and his helper, I was also struggling with that stupid board that refused to let go of my flip-flop.

Yes, it was awesome.

I do not know how they managed to keep a straight face, because I'm not sure I would have been able to control myself under those circumstances, but bless them for holding it together until I got my muddy self with my holey flip-flop back in my house.

Seriously, they deserve some type of an award for that.

And that is all I will say about that.

Now that the weather is cooling off a little, the sno-cone places in town will start closing down soon, so we are trying to use them while they are there. This is what my boys wanted for an after-school snack a few weeks ago.

Nothing says 'growing up in the country' like heading up to the local feed store for an after-school snack.

I haven't been able to post as often lately because we are in soccer season full swing. Both of the boys are playing, so for the past few weeks we've had soccer practice 2 nights a week, with 2 games every Saturday. I am not complaining at all about this. I love watching my boys play. It is just very time-consuming with all that we have going on outside of soccer. I will say that I'm glad that Robbie and I are not coaching this year. We coached Austin's team in the spring, but that was before we started building and had a little more time to put into it.

Ahhh, those were the days. We just thought we were busy then.

And because I like a post with more than one picture, I will end with this. Austin had Western Day at school last Friday, and was SO excited about getting to dress in his boots, belt, and hat.

I just love this picture of Austin with his teacher, Mrs. Nash. Aren't they both just as cute as can be?!

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