Friday, December 2, 2011

Oh Christmas Tree

Christmas is this month. I don't even know how that happened. I feel like I've spent the last month holding on to a rope that's being pulled by a running horse named Time and digging my heels in the ground is not slowing him down at all. I have been refusing to believe that we won't be in the new house in time for me to be able to put up more than one Christmas tree, decorate the mantle and stairway, and put up lights outside. I feel like this trailer house is busting at the seams and the last thing I have wanted to do is drag all of my Christmas stuff in here.

Why?! Why can't Christmas wait until I'm ready for it??!!

So Tuesday night I let the boys talk me into getting the tree out of the shop. Decorating for Christmas is normally one of my favorite times of the year. I have snowbabies, snow villages, several trees, and cute little Christmas things for all around the house. When we went out to get the tree, I announced that I was only going to put up the tree and stockings, and the tree would only have ribbons and balls on it. Austin talked me into getting the train out that goes around the bottom of the tree, and I felt like I needed to at least do that since I wouldn't be putting all of my Hallmark ornaments on that he likes to play with.

After moving two 4-wheelers, moving the ladder a few times, and deciding which tree we would be putting up, we ended up just getting a few boxes that I very reluctantly brought into the house.

And those boxes sat there all day Wednesday. Maybe because I thought by some miraculous turn of events the new house would suddenly get finished and I would have the go-ahead to decorate like I really wanted to.

But that didn't happen.

Yesterday morning after I took the boys to school, I sat on the couch for a solid hour accepting the fact that it is now December and time to decorate and working out in my head how I needed to rearrange the living room in order for the tree to fit. By around 9:15, I forced myself to get up and start moving everything around. I moved the couch to the opposite wall, moved the TV to a different wall (which included an entire hour of sorting out cords), and cleaning and vacuuming constantly as things were being moved.

Other than stopping for about 15 minutes to eat a bowl of cereal around noon, I was non-stop. I wanted the tree to be in front of the window and wasn't going to stop until it was done. By 2:00 I realized that I was still in my pajamas and probably needed to stop and shower before picking the kids up from school. I had the furniture moved and the tree up, so much progress had been made.

Today as I sit here blogging, I can say that I'm glad that I finally embraced the fact that Christmas is coming whether I like it or not. I actually really like the way my living room looks now and wish I would've arranged it like this a long time ago. And even though I didn't get out my ornaments for the tree this year, it still looks pretty and somehow makes me happier just by being in the house. My boys spent hours last night playing with the train that is around the bottom of the tree, so that extra thing totally paid off already.

I don't think I meant for this entire post to just be about putting up the Christmas tree, but it seems I have succeeded in providing every detail of the process.

On a completely different note, yesterday we were at a gas station and Austin saw a man digging in the trash for cans. He asked me what the man was doing and I told him that he was getting coke cans so that he can recycle them and get money for them. Then he preceded to tell me that that is what he wants to be when he grows up. I said "really, you want to dig in the trash for cans when you grow up?" He said "Yep. Sure do. It's cool that he's taking them to be recycled."


Through my eyes I'm seeing a (possibly) homeless man trying to get enough money to buy his next bottle of whiskey. Through a 6-year old's eyes, he saw a man that was doing good for the environment by wanting to recycle.

I'm so glad that God gave me these beautiful children that let me view things through the eyes of a child daily. Reality is only your perception.

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