Sunday, September 2, 2012

Football and Friends

Last night was the kick off for the Razorbacks football season. There are so many things about that sentence that I'm happy about: 1. That means it is almost fall. And I happen to love fall. 2. Razorback football games are just awesome. And Razorback red just happens to be a good color on me. 3. The games are a really good excuse to get together with friends...which leads me to what we did last night.

Since yesterday's game was only televised on Pay Per View (at almost the cost of a ticket to actually go to a game), we decided to have a few people over to watch it over here. And by a few I mean around 20. The menu was game day food, which means something with cream cheese or requires a chip to eat it with. I searched pinterest and decided on 2 recipes I had never made before (Garlic Chicken Puffs and Bacon Wrapped Smokies) and I also made a few things I actually knew would be good. We had a ton of food after everyone got here.

Which is exactly how a football watching party should be.

To be honest, the girls didn't see much of the game at all. We sat in the kitchen and talked about more important things, like Shelby's dogs hypothyroidism and Ainslee's new super cute haircut.

Some things are just more important than football.

During most of the game, the kids were upstairs or outside, doing whatever it is kids do when they are alone upstairs unsupervised.

Too bad they didn't know I had spies going around taking pictures of them so I could spy without actually having to walk up the stairs.
Do you have any idea how hard it was to get all the kids in one pic??

Toward the end of the game, the Razorbacks were ahead by like 20 points and there was no way they were going to lose the game, so the boys (and by boys, I mean grown-up guys) decided they were going to have a nerf gun war.

Y'all. These guys had sat pretty much in the same place during the entire game, but it was like they had been conserving all their energy for the nerf guns that no one even knew were coming.

I wasn't even aware that we owned that many nerf guns.

It was intense.

And SO much fun. I am shocked that no one came out of that crying. Well, except John G., but that was only because it ended before he was ready to stop.
John and Katie

Overall it was an awesome night. I really missed being able to entertain over the past few years, and it was one of the main reasons I designed the house the way that it is. I love having people over and love to see them enjoying themselves here.
Trey and Katie

Robbie and I have truly been blessed with friends that we love spending time with, and this is something neither of us take for granted.
Hannah, Levi, and Baby Peanut (that will make her presence in the next few weeks)
Jen and John

Maybe next time I'll even sit down and watch some of the game.
Josh and Sara

Unless there is something more important that needs to be discussed.

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