Thursday, May 10, 2012

Going Toward the Light

Y'all. I'm not sure I've ever said this in my life, but I am ready for summer. It is certainly not my favorite season of the year because of the fact that we are in Arkansas, where temps reach 110 degrees in the shade. And I don't like to be hot. But this past month has been so busy that I'm ready for it to all just stop for a while.  It seems like we have had something planned for every day of the week for the past month. Not that I haven't enjoyed every bit of it, but this girl can only handle so much fun before she needs to go into hiding for a while where there is nowhere to be and nothing that needs to be done. And we will be there soon. There is a light at the end of this tunnel and I am keeping my eye on the light until I make it to the other side. But watch out if you get in my way. I only have one speed right now and in tractor terms, it's the rabbit, not the turtle. In just a few weeks, there will be no soccer, no school, and tons of free time. What will we do with ourselves?

Friday night we had a birthday party at our friends, Ernie and Anne Marie's house to celebrate Lane's birthday. Lane's cake had deer antlers on it made out of a combination of a hanger, almond bark, and maybe some cocoa. I am amazed at what people can do with cakes these days. I'm happy when I can mix a cake up out of the box and put frosting on it. But this is frosting art. I'm impressed.
Aaron and Lane eating their antlers

Austin reading to Blake before it was time to go home.

I know my last post was about 4 wheelin, so I won't go into all of that again, but we went again this past Saturday with our friends, John and Jennifer and their kids. But this time we just let the kids start out with just their swimming suits on, so maybe it's true that when you get older you really do get wiser.

Aaron's friend Patrick came out there with us
The kids were all trying to pull John down into the water. I don't think they ever succeeded.
Austin helping Shelby bury her legs.
Redneck diving board.
John, Lauren, Nathan, and Shelby on their ranger.
Jen and I
Austin  fussing because he didn't want his picture made
John got stuck. Really, it would've been disappointing if this hadn't happened.
And once again, Aaron and his winch saved the day.

This week we have been busy with the boys track and field days at their school. We had Austin's on Tuesday, and it was a perfect day for it. The sun was shining but it wasn't hot and the wind was blowing. Why can't we have that kind of weather year round? Austin's age group did all 9 of the activities and I was on the track with his class helping Mrs. Wilson with the kids. It went very smoothly and I really enjoyed helping out with it.
Run Austin!
This was the "bounce the chicken off the parachute" game.
I'm not sure Austin had ever hula hooped in his life, but he somehow kept that thing up and won first place.
My proud little man.
Austin's kindergarten class.

Aaron had his track and field day yesterday. His was more like a real track meet. They were competing against another school and they only did one or two activities each. Aaron did the 100 meter relay and the 100 meter dash. I love to watch that boy run. I'm really not sure where his gracefulness comes from, but he just looks like he's effortlessly gliding around the track. He did well in both of his events, and luckily they were back to back, and since the weather was not as cool as it had been the day before for Austin's, we left right before the makeup started melting off of my face.
The relay hand-off. Aaron was ready to go.
Aaron's gracefulness
Aaron with his friend, Austin

On top of all of the activities we've had going on, I'm still subbing at school a few times a week. And I still absolutely love being in the classroom. In almost every class I have worked in, I've had kids that made me something or drew something for me.

These are the things that keep me going...

Yesterday, Aaron and Austin both pulled a tooth, and Austin wanted to sleep with Aaron last night, so the tooth fairy had 2 stops to make in one room last night.
Oh how I love these boys..

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