Monday, May 14, 2012

Monday, Monday...

Today is Monday. Which is not usually my favorite day of the week. Actually not even my 5th favorite day of the week. But today has been just about perfect.

Which is funny considering I spent the day doing laundry, paying bills, and cleaning toilets.

But really I wouldn't have wanted to be doing anything else today. We had a really good, but busy weekend, so I needed today just to get caught up and have some alone time. I love my husband and my kids and being around friends, but an entire day alone (well, unless you count my dogs) refreshes me in a way that nothing else can.

In the 7 hours I had alone today, I took a nap (don't judge, it was wonderful), got every bit of my laundry done and put up, deep cleaned some rooms in my house I've been putting off, paid bills, and had music playing (loudly, because I find it important to take advantage of living in the boondocks) all over the house the entire time I was working. Music and Spark (my favorite energy drink) could get anyone moving. In fact, if it weren't for Duck Dynasty, I could completely go without TV and just play music all the time. But since I need my weekly dose of Phil, Willie, Jase and Mrs. Kay, I suppose we will keep our direct TV. But if they go away, I will need to reevaluate the need for televisions.

And if you've never seen an episode of Duck Dynasty, I feel a little bad for you. I really don't know why I am so intrigued by these people, but I smile the entire time it's on. I love the way Phil and Jase enunciate every single word they say. I love the way Phil talks to his grandchildren about relationships. I love Phil and Uncle Si's hate for beavers. I love how Willie always thinks his ideas are really smart business decisions and most of them end up a big flop. And I love that they end every show with the family sitting at a table full of Mrs. Kay's cooking, praying and thanking God for all of their blessings. Really. You should start watching this show if you don't.

Ok, I'll stop. But I haven't even begun to tell you some of my favorite one-liners from that show.  Like when Jase (talking about Willie, who is the CEO of the company) said CEO stood for Caveman with an Ego that's Obese, or when Mrs. Kay made Phil look at houses and there was one with a huge bathtub and he said "we could baptize people here in the winter".

Really. I'm done.

The rest of this week will be nothing like today has been. This is what it's shaping up to look like:

Tuesday: I am helping in the hula hoop contest for the 2nd through 4th graders track and field day. Then I will pick up 3 kids from school and we will all go to a meeting with a friend of mine that I'm helping with a house renovation. I have missed the building process since we've moved in our house so I'm super excited about getting back into that!

Wednesday: I will attempt to teach some 4th graders something. Then church.

Thursday: Wait. I have nothing on my calendar for Thursday except for soccer practice. How did this happen? And how long will this last? Could I possibly be looking at another day in my pajamas with the music turned up? Fingers crossed...

Friday: Teaching a sweet (oh please let them be sweet!) kindergarten class all day.

Saturday: Both boys have games in the morning. Then we will go to some friends house for the evening.

I'm not really sure why I feel compelled to share my entire week with whomever chooses to read this, but there it is.

And if you're still reading this, this is where you ask yourself "why am I still reading this?"

On a completely different note, I've had lots of people asking when I would be putting pictures of our house up. And even though I know of several things I still want to do, I will start putting up pictures soon. And I apologize for taking so long to get them up. I keep thinking I will do it when I have everything like I want it, but then I realized that may not happen ever any time soon, so I'll just post what we have now and will tell you of any future plans I may have for that space.

Y'all have a great week!!

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