Saturday, February 11, 2012

Ok fine, it doesn't have to be centered

When I posted last week I had two problems related to our house: our spoon shortage and our lack of a cook top. I'm happy to say that I have updates on both. First, the spoon shortage. I was in Target on Sunday and just happened to find myself in the silverware aisle. I hadn't really decided what I wanted to do about it when I got into Target, but when I saw a six pack of spoons for less than $6.00, I just had to have two. So with those 12 spoons added to the 3 I had, I was up to 15 spoons. I had solved the spoon shortage problem.

Which felt like a really big accomplishment until the next day when I was moving some things out of the trailer and realized that all of our spoons had been hiding out in the dishwasher over there.

I now have 27 spoons.


So with my spoon problem a little more than solved, it was time to move on to the cook top problem. Rob texted me Tuesday and told me that they had moved our back-order date to February 27th. This was my cue. It is time to get over my OCD of my cook top not being centered and cut a bigger hole.

This is what we started with.

This is after we cut through the tile and wood to make the hole 10 inches bigger. It all had to be cut from the right side because I have drawers and cabinets on the left that I was not willing to sacrifice just to satisfy my need to have a centered cook top.

And this is what we have today.

And I love it. I now have 4 regular burners plus a grill that is interchangeable with a griddle.

I almost feel bad for Jenn Air for having to give me the more expensive model because of their lack of keeping their production going during the holidays.

But not really.

Also this week my birth mom, Sherry, came to spend a few days with us. She lives in the Dallas area and we just don't get to see each other enough, so it has been really nice having her around this week. And I know the boys enjoyed having their Nana around...especially when Aaron brings home a box of chocolates that he has to sell for school and Nana tells them to pick out what they want and she'll buy it for them ;)
Sherry and I at the bowling alley Friday night

Tonight we went to eat at Roadhouse with some friends and then went to TCBY for 'make your own yogurt'.


I think I have a new love. You can sample every flavor they have before committing to the one (or ones) you want and THEN you get to add whatever toppings you want. And there were more toppings to choose from for your yogurt than there are choices of toppings at the salad bar at Ruby Tuesday. I don't care that it hasn't gotten much above freezing outside today, I want more TCBY. Soon.
Lane, Blake, Aaron, and Austin

I have two goals for next week. The first is to start the couch to 5K program. I've done it before but didn't finish. This time I will do it and finish, no matter how long it takes me. I'm ready to start running again and this program is a great start.

My other goal is to get the trailer house emptied out and cleaned up. This goal is more apt to kill me than the running. But it HAS to be done.

I'm starting to think that the frozen yogurt tonight has given me some sort of unrealistic expectations of myself. What am I thinking with making two big goals for one week?

I'll let y'all know how it turns out, but I'm not really holding my breath on either one of these.

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