Thursday, August 15, 2013

A letter to my First Graders

Dear First Grader,

Over the past several weeks, while you were busy enjoying the last little bit of summer, I've been working hard for you. I have thought about you, prayed for you, and worked hard to make sure our classroom would be a comfortable learning environment for you. I've burned myself with hot glue (more times than I care to admit), climbed higher on a ladder than I'm comfortable with, cut out things, laminated things, cleaned things, tore things down, put things up, painted things, bought things, organized things, and today I will finally get to meet you and give you a hug and all of the hard work will pay off.

When I was getting my classroom ready for you, I thought about what all we are going to go through in our next 9 months together. We will celebrate your birthday...

You will lose teeth this year, probably even some while you're in the classroom, and you will be excited because that will be one more tooth on our monthly 'tooth count'...

You will leave me everyday and we can have a fresh start every morning...

You will eat close to 200 lunches here before June...

We will meet everyday on the carpet and talk about the day, the weather, the time, money, and we'll count and sing cute little learning songs together...

You will improve your reading by leaps and bounds this year...

You will have jobs to do in the classroom that will make you feel special and important...

You may need to move your clip every once in a while, but we will talk about why we need to make better choices next time...

And I will read to you...lots....

I'm so excited that I get to be your 1st grade teacher. When you hurt, I will hurt. When you're excited about something that's going on in your life, I will be excited too. When I see you carrying a burden that 6 and 7 year olds should not have to carry, I will cry for you and pray for you. I will make mistakes, because we'll all be learning together, but I will learn from them. I will forever call you 'one of my kids', because you will be.

I love you already,
Mrs. Barwick

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