Sunday, April 21, 2013


It seems like there have been so many bad things happening lately. I have a friend that was in a tragic car accident a few weeks ago, and is now a young, heartbroken widow. There was a 4 year old boy in town that was run over by his sister on a lawn mower who has had a leg amputation and blood transfusions in just the past few days. Then there was the Boston bombing, followed by the explosion at a fertilizer plant that killed and injured several.

All of these things are horrible and unimaginable. I have not had to deal with the heartbreak of losing a spouse. I have never experienced losing a limb. And I have not been personally effected by a bombing or any kind of explosion. As I look back on my life, the worst thing I can remember ever having to deal with is the 3 miscarriages I had. I had two before Aaron and one before Austin. While these were very dark days for Robbie and I (not knowing if we would ever be able to have the family that we so desperately wanted), it doesn't compare to what others would consider to be 'dark days'.

One thing that I do know will never change is this: bad things are going to continue to happen. They always have and they always will. Whether it be accidents or pre-meditated terrorist acts, bad things are here to stay, and we can't do anything to change that. The only thing that we can change in most situations is our attitude and our focus. For example, in the case of my sweet friend that lost her husband, I am trying to focus on the good in that situation. She is the mother of 3 beautiful children that were given more days on this earth with their mama. God spared her life for a reason. He is just not done with her yet and, I believe, has great things planned for her. And that sweet little boy who is going to have to learn a whole new way of getting around and functioning in the world, has the potential to do great things with his life despite the handicap. And in the Boston bombing, there were only 2 (that we know about at this point) responsible, but there were dozens running back into the area to help, risking their own lives to help others. It is those people that I like to focus on. If those bombs can be made with items you can find at your local Walmart and can be assembled in less than an hour, then why aren't people being blown up every day? I choose to believe that it is simply because there are more good people than bad. We all COULD make a bomb or go into a public place shooting everyone in sight, but we choose NOT to. THAT should be our focus.

We don't know what is going to happen tomorrow. Any of us could get a phone call that will bring us to our knees. Or we could be involved in an accident that completely changes our world within a matter of seconds. But, worrying about tomorrow will not help anything. I saw a quote recently that said, "Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength." This is so true.

So for today, I will choose to focus on the positive. I continue to pray for all of the people that I've mentioned that have been touched by tragedy recently. I pray that they can see the blessings through their tears and that they can feel God's hand holding them through this difficult season in their lives.

Today I choose to focus on the fact that I was given another day with Robbie.

I choose to focus on the fact that God has put some amazing people in our lives.
Crawfish with friends.
My friend, Amie, at the Mandisa concert.

I choose to have fun with my family while we all have each other here.
This is my niece, Kaulyn, at her 15 b-day party.
Austin singing 'Call me maybe' last weekend.
Robbie, Josh, and Gabe singing 'Wanted: Dead or Alive' (using a hairbrush, fire poker tool, and shark water squirter as mics). Seriously good times.
Aaron and his friend, Patrick, singing YMCA.

I choose to be thankful for the two babies that I have had the privilege to hold,

while I look forward to holding my other three in heaven someday.

I hope each person that reads this has the best week you possibly can have. We all have plenty to complain and worry about, but is it worth our time and energy to do so when we are all blessed with so more than we deserve?

'For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

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