Saturday, October 13, 2012

To Aaron, on your 12th...

Dear Aaron,

Well, about 5 hours ago, you officially turned 12 years old. This is the last year that I can say that I don't have a teenager. That's a little scary.

You seem to have grown a foot since your 11th birthday. You wear a men's shoe size 7 to 8 (depending on the brand), and that is much bigger than my foot will ever be. You are also almost as tall as I am, but I'm so glad that you didn't seem to inherit my 'short' gene. You seem to grow out of clothes the week after I buy them.

You really enjoy the outdoors. You love to ride 4-wheelers, going hunting with dad, and mow the yard. There were many times this summer when you got bored and decided to go out and mow, and then you would stay out there for an hour or two until you were just too hot and needed to come in. I never had to ask you to do it, you chose to do it because you enjoy it, and because you wanted to save dad some time.

I only hope this willingness to help will continue ;)

I'm writing all of these things down that you already know because by this time next year, you will be different, just as you are now from the day you turned 11. I know that you read my blog now, so if you want to go back and look at the letter I did for your birthday last year, click here.

One thing that has NOT changed is your love for soccer. You are still with the same soccer coach you started out with, and I believe that God hand-picked Jeff to be your coach. You seem to get better every year, and you are still just as graceful as a person can be running down that soccer field. I get comments all the time from other parents on the sideline about how good you are and how much they enjoy watching you play. You are so gifted in this sport, and I'm proud every time I watch you.

As you enter (and go through) your teenage years, you will experience so many different things that will shape the kind of person you choose to be. I pray that you will make wise choices. I pray that you will treat girls with respect. I pray that you will be safe. I pray that you will come to me or dad about any issue that you need to talk about. We have both already been there, and we can at least TRY to help you make sense out of anything that comes your way.

Remember to pray. And I don't mean just your nightly prayer with us. The Bible says we should pray all the time. Ask God to help you through, even if it's just an assignment or a test, and then thank Him when you've done well. Learn to lean on your Christian friends. They can help you through so much. And not just now, but for the rest of your life. I'm so proud of you for helping out with Bible hour at church last month, and also for participating in Leadership Training for Christ for the past few years. You are learning valuable tools that will help you in the future.

Aaron, you have always been such a good kid, and you are so fun to be around. I consider myself so very blessed to call you my son.

Stay thoughtful. Stay funny. Stay caring. Stay you.

I love you more than you will ever understand (until you have kids of your own) and I want so many good things for you throughout your life.


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