Wednesday, October 11, 2017

To Aaron, on your 17th...

Dear Aaron,

You are 17 years old today. It seems like yesterday I was sitting down to write your 16 year old letter. Time is going by so quickly and I am learning to appreciate every minute I have with you while you're still living under my roof. You've had a busy year and in everything you've done, you've made your dad and I so proud. I know you get tired of me saying "make smart choices", but I really do just want you to be smart in your choices, and you've never let me down in that. I am just so proud and honored that I get to be your mom.

I usually fill this letter with advice for the next year, but at this point you know who you are and you know right from wrong. You have proven that you are capable of making good, sound decisions on your own. You know that the most important one to go to for wisdom is God. Pray about it. And then pray some more. You may not always like God's answer, but you've just got to trust that He will work it all out, because He always does. So my advice this year...keep being you. Keep trusting God. Keep serving others. Keep putting God's will above your own. Keep working hard in school and in sports. Keep being active. And most importantly, keep giving your mom and dad goodnight hugs and sitting in their laps from time to time. You will never outgrow that.

Here are a few things from the 16th year of your life:

The 2 pics below are social media shout-outs that you got for just being good to people. The first one was from an elementary student that wanted you to show him how to kick a football. You took time out of your Saturday to do this for him, and this was totally and completely your choice. I can't tell you how much good this does to your momma's heart.

The second pic is from a Friday when you and a few other guys went to the donut shop before school in your football jerseys. We don't even know who this person is, but she was impressed by the giving spirit of you guys and posted about for everyone to see. The fact that you did not do either of these things for recognition, but you chose to do them because it could help someone else says a lot about who you are as a person. 


You are a great big brother (most of the time). Austin loves you and looks up to you more than you realize.

After skiing for several years, you decided to try your hand at snowboarding last Christmas. I'm proud of you for stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new things. You were actually pretty good at snowboarding, but I think you decided you missed your skis after one day on this board.

One of my very favorite things about this year has been going to the gym with you. There were days that it would've been very hard to make myself go if you hadn't have been pushing me. Thank you for being a huge supporter in my journey to health and fitness, and throwing extra weights on my bar when I wasn't looking.

You've been working at Neighbors Emergency Center for almost a year now as a brand ambassador. Sometimes you are the mascot (pictured above), and sometimes you are just serving where you are needed. You've been so responsible with this job and have even chosen to cancel other things you've had planned so that you could help out your boss. Developing a good work ethic now will help you so much with whatever you choose to do in your future.

Your 16th year has been the year of the boats. I don't even know how many boats you have bought and sold over the past year, but I do know that you've been able to do it all with your own money and have made smart decisions in your buying and selling. This is a life skill that will follow you forever.

You do love a good boat ride.

You have had either a spacer or braces for 6 years, and you were finally able to get them off this year. Now it's your brother's turn...

You may not choose Harding as your college, but I do love seeing you involved in things that take place on campus. This was the football camp you attended there this summer.

You were a counselor at camp this summer, and this little guy loved you so much. You are so patient and kind with little kids, and I'm proud of you for giving them a good teen role model to look up to.

You went on a mission trip with the youth group this summer to Jinotega, Nicaragua. I know you worked hard on this trip and helped a lot of people with some of their needs. This pic is of you and Garrett ready to work.

You and dad climbed a mountain while you were in Nicaragua, and got a great pic from the top.

Again, boat life...

This was the first day of your junior year. Of course, you had to be at school at 7:00am for football that morning and Austin wasn't up yet, so this was the end of the day after your afternoon football practice.

 FOOTBALL! I love to watch you kick. It makes me so nervous, but I'm always amazed at how well you do on the field. As I type this I think you're sitting at 3rd in the state on PATs. You have always been gifted in the athletic department. I pray for you every single time you take the field. (Pictured above is Jayden, below is Remington.)

I couldn't have done a better job at handpicking your friends if I tried. You have surrounded yourself with good people that know how to have fun but honor God at the same time. I love every boy sitting around this table with all my heart..
So there's a few snippets of your 16th year of life. Right now you're probably looking at it thinking, yep, stating the obvious, mom. But years later you will look at it and think, "oh yeah, I remember that", just like we currently do with our scrapbooks. I pray that your 17th year is just as amazing as your 16th year was. Enjoy it. Live it to the fullest. Think about your future plans. Love with all your heart.

And make smart choices.

I love you,